Mandatory Clearances to Volunteer- The Diocese of Erie is committed to protecting the children and youth who are entrusted to its care and to ensuring that those in ministry with our young people are in a right relationship with the children/youth receiving services. We love to have our parishioners volunteer their time and talents to both our Church and our young people. All adults (18 and over) who will be around children when volunteering are required to obtain the necessary clearances. All the required forms/clearances can be found right here for your convenience. Any questions, please call the church office at 825-6920.
Read the Policy for the Protection of Children and then complete everything below
Diocesan Statement of Intent for Compliance (must be dated July, 2018 or later))
Diocesan Volunteer Application for Adults Working with Children (only needs to be done once)
Diocesan Mandated Reporter Compliance Document (needs to be done yearly)
PA State Police Criminal Record Check (needed every 5 years)
PA Child Abuse History Certificate (needed every 5 years)
Federal Criminal Record Check including fingerprints if not a PA resident for the previous 10 year period (good for 5 years)
Diocesan Creating a Safe Environment Training (needed every 5 years)
Clearance from the Office for the Protection of Children and Youth (effective 7-1-18 for new volunteers)
Safe Environment Tips for Parents, Guardians and Caregivers